This practical uses R.

This practical aims at illustrating that within-family GWAS are robust to population stratification. We provide a set of R commands below to simulate the phenotypes and genotypes (at \(M=1,000\) SNPs) of \(N=10,000\) independent sibling pairs. Each sibling pair is sampled from \(g\) subgroups, which differ in allele frequencies and mean phenotypes.

None of the \(M\) SNPs is associated with the trait within-each subpopulations. Therefore, the mean association \(\chi^2\) test statistic across SNPs is expected to equal 1. Any deviation reflects population stratification.

The R function CHISQ below returns the mean association \(\chi^2\) test statistic across \(M=1,000\) simulated SNPs for 3 analytical strategies:

  1. simple linear regression using phenotypes and genotypes of the oldest siblings (X1 and Y1)

  2. same as (1) but fitting 10 genotypic principal components (PC)

  3. within-family GWAS from regressing Y1-Y2 onto colums of X1-X2

Copy/Run the following command to enable the CHISQ function in your current R environment.

CHISQ <- function(N=10000,  # Sample size
                  M=1000,   # Number of SNPs tested 
                  Fst=0.025,# Genetic differentiation between subgroups
                  vs=.05,   # variance explained by stratification
                  g=2,      # Number of subgroups
                  nPC=10){  # Number of PCs fitted
ms   <- rnorm(n=g,mean=0,sd=sqrt(vs))
p    <- runif(n=M,min=0.05,max=0.95)
tab  <- cut(1:N,breaks = quantile(1:N,probs = seq(0,1,len=g+1)),include.lowest = TRUE)
grp  <- as.numeric(tab)

simPS <- function(N,M,Fst,p,g){
  a    <- p*(1-Fst)/Fst
  b    <- (1-Fst)*(1-p)/Fst
  tab  <- cut(1:N,breaks = quantile(1:N,probs = seq(0,1,len=g+1)),include.lowest = TRUE)
  grp  <- as.numeric(tab)
  n    <- as.numeric(table(tab))
  X    <-"rbind",lapply(1:g, function(k){
    px <- rbeta(M,shape1=a,shape2=b)"cbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){

Xm  <- simPS(N,M,Fst,p,g) # Simulage genotypes of mother
Xf  <- simPS(N,M,Fst,p,g) # Simulate genotyoes of father

X1 <-"cbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){
  rbinom(n=N,size=1,prob=Xm[,j]/2) + rbinom(n=N,size=1,prob=Xf[,j]/2)

X2 <-"cbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){
  rbinom(n=N,size=1,prob=Xm[,j]/2) + rbinom(n=N,size=1,prob=Xf[,j]/2)

Y1 <- rnorm(n=N,mean=ms[grp],sd=sqrt(1-vs))
Y2 <- rnorm(n=N,mean=ms[grp],sd=sqrt(1-vs))

## PCA
SVD <- svd(scale(X1))
system.time( pcs <- SVD$u )

PC1 <- pcs[,1] * SVD$d[1]
PC2 <- pcs[,2] * SVD$d[2]

gwas_pop <-"rbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){

gwas_pcs <-"rbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){
  summary(lm(Y1~X1[,j] + pcs[,1:nPC]))$coefficients[2,]

gwas_wf <-"rbind",lapply(1:M, function(j){

ChisqUnAdj  <- mean(gwas_pop[,3]^2)
ChisqPCAdj  <- mean(gwas_pcs[,3]^2)
ChisqQFAM   <- mean(gwas_wf[,3]^2)


The CHISQ function has 5 input parameters: N (sample size), M (number of SNPs tested), Fst (a parameter measuring genetic differentiation between subgroups in the sample), vs (variance explained by stratification) and g (the number of subgroups in the sample).

Let’s run a first sample with N=10000 individuals, g=2 subgroups in the sample, M=1000 SNPs, Fst=.025 and stratification explaining vs=.05 of the phenotypic variance.

system.time( testResults <- CHISQ(N=10000,M=1000,Fst=.025,vs=.05,g=2) )

This example generates a PCA plot (PC1 vs PC2) showing a neat separation between the two subgroups in the sample. In addition, the mean association test statistic for the unadjusted analysis is UnAdj~2.0, which indicates confounding due to population stratification given that none of these SNPS are associated with the phenotype. Note that the mean association test statistic is reduced to PCAdj~1.0, when adjusting these analyses for 10 PCs and to ChisqQFAM~0.9 for the within-family GWAS.

Question 1. Change the seed number (check the set.seed() function above) and run the previous command (CHISQ(N=10000,M=1000,Fst=.025,vs=.05,g=2)) in your own environment. Do you find consistent observations?

Question 2. Increase the number of subgroups (e.g.. g=5, g=10, g=50). What can you say about the separation between subgroups on the first two PCs? Is the adjustment for 10 PCs still sufficient to control for inflation? If not, how many PCs do you need to fit and why? What do you observe for the within-family GWAS results?


## Let's try fitting 50 PCs

Question 3. Now set Fst=0.1 (that would correspond to subgroups with different continental ancestries), vs=0.1 and g=50. Are your conclusions from Question 2 different?
